Starting Now


Organization Overview Disclosures:

Starting Now is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing consumers with one-on-one housing, credit coaching, and financial education. Our mission is to help enrollees strengthen and build their credit profiles, empowering them to achieve greater economic success. Our credit coaches work closely with enrollees to create custom-tailored plans that meet individual needs and goals. Clients are guided through every step of the process to navigate the complex credit landscape and achieve their ultimate goals, whether it’s qualifying for a mortgage, buying a car, or developing general financial wellness skills.

Since our founding in 2017, Starting Now has helped thousands of families improve their financial literacy through hands-on coaching. By increasing housing, financial, and credit literacy for historically overlooked communities, we empower individuals to make positive, lasting changes for themselves and their families. We aim to set the standard for best practices in consumer financial literacy for other communities.

Leadership and Staff Disclosures:

The majority of Starting Now’s leadership team and staff are women who migrated to the United States either at an early age or as adults. They understand the financial hardships immigrants face, especially those who do not speak English. Our board is predominantly composed of women. Our mission is to help underserved communities, women, and veterans achieve greater economic success through credit and financial education, along with sustainable solutions that reflect changing lifestyles.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Starting Now does not and will not indicate any preference or limitation or otherwise discriminate based on race, color, disability, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, or the receipt of public assistance. Exceptions may apply if the preference or limitation is pursuant to a lawful eligibility requirement. All advertising that includes depictions of people (photographs or illustrations) will include representations of both majority and minority groups.  Starting Now will not advertise a local preference for any programming or service offered. The Fair Housing logo and slogan will be included in all marketing materials.  

Client Rights and Responsibilities:

As a potential client of Starting Now, you have the right to know the following disclosures:

  1. Free Initial Consultations: Starting Now provides all initial consultations free of charge. As a potential client, you are under no obligation to receive, purchase, or utilize any of our services. If you wish to pursue assistance, Starting Now will help you determine which program best fits your needs.
  2. Confidentiality: All information submitted to Starting Now is considered confidential and will be kept confidential unless you consent to the disclosure of such information.
  3. Non-Profit Status: Starting Now is NOT a loan company; we do not lend money. We are a non-profit agency supported by the monthly fees paid by our clients, as well as funding and/or grants from some creditors for the counseling and education we provide.
  4. Legal Advice Disclaimer: Our advice is not legal advice, and our counselors are not authorized to provide legal counsel.
  5. No Guarantees: We do not make false promises or guarantees, even though we stand behind the soundness of our advice. We cannot monitor your financial behavior 24 hours a day. Lenders make their own decisions to grant credit based on a variety of factors beyond the scope of our service.
  6. Freedom of Choice: As a client, you have the freedom to select and engage in any business transactions with professionals in the financial, mortgage, real estate, homeowner education, housing counseling, or other homeownership industries. You have the right to make voluntary and informed decisions free of coercion, intimidation, or undue pressure.

By choosing Starting Now, you are taking an important step toward achieving your financial goals. We are here to support and guide you through this journey with integrity and respect for your individual needs.